The Illusion of Choice

My first book shares a relevant message of encouragement and understanding of today´s modern times and explores a series of key biblical principles to help you navigate the spirutal dangers of our modern world, so that you can be successful, no matter what.

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The Illusion of Choice

In today´s modern society of high tech and 24/7 new cycles, a massive amount of information is broadcasted and published every day that deeply influences our perspective on what is happening, on what is “real and true” in the world at any given moment. We have become consumers of screen time and information and more and more people are glued to their electronic devices. How do we know then that the information we receive and consume every day is true? Based on all that information we consume, are we really free to make independent decisions?

"What perspective do we live? Do we live the perspective that is given to us through the screens?" writes the author. It seems that we face massive changes in all aspects of our daily lives, so people everywhere are looking for real answers and real solutions.

Discover the reasons for the changes in our world today and find out how you can be successful no matter what by applying time proven but at times forgotten biblical principles presented in this book that will help you navigate these uncertain times and prepare you to reach your full potential.

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Freedom from Debt-Slavery

Many people today live with mounting debt in their lives. The economic changes, high interest rates and inflation have tightened the grip on many which now live paycheck to paycheck with most not being able to withstand even a one week delay in receiving their paychecks. Would you like to know how the current banking system came about and what your role and position is in it? If you are in debt, this book will teach you how to change your lifestyle and begin your journey to becoming and living debt free. All revealed in this book is based on my personal life and my walk from living in debt to now living debt free for over twenty-four years. If I can do it, anyone can! Remember God has a plan for your life, and He also has a plan for your finances. This book is based on my personal research, personal revelation and application. I have taught this as a seminar in three countries to hundreds and hundreds of people, churches and small businesses. If you are interested, I can also come to your church, company or organization to bring this book to you in form of a seminar. With this book and its instructions, you will be able to apply this successful revelation and work your way out of debt, to be truly free again.

The book is currently in the editing process

Freedom from Debt-Slavery

How can you turn from living under financial pressure and debt to living with financial power. This book will reveal to you important truths about the current financial system and give you a twelve step program to cancel your debt. God has a plan for you and your finances.

New Beginnings

This workbook reveals the biblical principal of new beginnings that we can find all throughout Bible history. Within it there are important truths that will help you in your new beginning, to leave the old behind and become what God has called you to be.

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New Beginnings

Our life brings with it many new beginnings. We may move, get married, or simply start a new job, but each time, it is a new beginning for us. Did you know that in the Bible there are seven new beginnings that show us that God himself uses new beginnings to shape the universe, direct human history and guide us to follow His perfect will? This workbook will reveal to you the importance of new beginnings and help you along your way to a new beginning. You can use this as a personal workbook or with your family or church as a group. We must realize the biblical importance of new beginnings and when they come along in our lives, make sure that we get on board and enter in. The many Bible characters we can find in the Bible, such as Noah, Joseph, Gideon, the Apostle Paul, just to name a few, will teach us from each of their stories, so that we can learn from them, how to apply it in our lives to be successful in our new beginning, no matter what is going on in the world.

This work book is currently in my revision process and I hope to be able to move it forward to the editing stage soon

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The Spiritual Nomad

In the world today, there are three behind the scene changes taking place that are causing the social change we can all observe. These changes have managed to infiltrate the social fabric of society and in turn have found their way also into the body of Christ, the church. Many believers are unaware of these changes and are nevertheless influenced and impacted by them. As a result, believers within the church have experienced changes in their personal faith experience as well as with their commitment to God and the church.

This change in best understood with a biblical comparison between a nomad and conqueror. This nomadic lifestyle has left believers wandering around in the wilderness without a personal vision for their lives.

The time is now to return to our river Jordan and begin to conquer that which God has promised us. In this book you will see revelation about

these three changes, how they have impacted the church and the body of Christ, and how you can stop this influence in your life, transform and begin the conquest of all the promises that God has put before you.


This book is presently in the writing stage. Please pray for its completion.

The Spiritual Nomad

Do you want to conquer the promises that God has for your life but until today you were unable to do so? In this book you will learn about the impact three behind the scenes changes have on society and

on the church that leave many in the church walking through life without a personal vision and direction. Through biblical truth and revelation you will learn how to transform your life, turn weaknesses into strength, and begin to conquer your promised land.